Cognitive.RS is the meeting of those two passions for us.

A race team can accumulate a large amount of data that is crucial to its operation. The biggest issue is that this data can be in a myriad of different formats, systems and media. Some of it may be in proprietary software, electronic spreadsheets, printouts, notebooks, sheets of paper or even someone’s head.

To maximise the value of that data, we have created software solutions to capture the information and bring it together to make your job easier. The great advantage of computing now, is the ease, power and portability of machines. This is why all of our products will be able to run on the devices you have. Tablets, PC’s, Mac’s and phones can be used to capture and review data.

Founders Barry and Jeremy have been creating a wide variety of commercial software for a number of years. These have included systems for small businesses to large multinational Financial Companies. Motorsport has played an important part for us as well, from driving to National Championship level and then onto Race/Data Engineering, plus team management.

The products we are creating are too make our lives easier at the track, and we hope that they will help make yours as well.


Our Name

Cognitive = {Language : English} {adjective} 


Is the set of all mental abilities and processes related to knowledge: attention, memory and working memory, judgement and evaluation, reasoning and “computation”, problem solving and decision making, comprehension and production of language, etc. Cognitive processes use existing knowledge and generate new knowledge.

RS = {Language : German} 

Initials are taken from the German: RennSport which literally translates as “racing sport”.

Our Team

We are an Australasian based company with offices in Christchurch New Zealand and Melbourne Australia

Barry Neale 

Jeremy North 

Our Philosophy

We want to link all the data you collect together, whether it’s logged via a data acquisition system, entered setup data, weather details, tyre metrics, shock graphs, general notes or any other piece of information.

Everything in the Cognitive.RS environment starts with and revolves around, an Event.

An Event could be a Race Meeting, Practice Day, Test Session or any situation where a schedule occurs, people need to perform a task and a vehicle is run.

  •  Momento counts down a schedule for an event.
  •  Transfer uses the schedule for consistent and descriptive filenames.
  •  Contact Patch records tyre usage each time a vehicle runs.
  •  Insight associates logged data to a run.
  •  CodeX allows all the setup information to be recorded for a run.

A team can use one to all of our products to link together their data. Once linked, via the Event Structure, it becomes simple to get the full picture.

An engineer might start with a lap, view the log traces, check exactly what setup was on the vehicle, see what tyres were being used and their pressure, play an incar video file, check weather details, read any comments about the run from the driver or team.

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you, if you some some feedback, questions, support issues, ideas, general comments or would like to join our beta program please complete the form below and we will get back to you.